Crash testing development in progress

Crash Testing Barrier 100% Impact Tests

Following these tests and the chassis design and installation changes that resulted, 100% impact barrier tests at 31.1mph were conducted as required for FMVSS-208 certification.


Test 1:
Reach & Wash® System

50km/hr (31.1mph)

1,000 litre Ionic Systems Pro-5 (FULL)

Test Result:  PASS


As expected, the damage to the front of the vehicle was severe, but the machine remained securely in place

Test 2:
Competitors System

50km/hr (31.1mph)

(Competitor’s System)

Test Result:  FAIL


To illustrate the need for crash-testing and the very real danger that exists, Thatcham Research conducted a comparative test using a competitor’s system. As you can see, the machine failed to stay anchored to the vehicle, and an accident would have caused severe injury or even death to the driver and passengers.

As a result of this crash testing programme, Ionic Systems were awarded FMVSS-208 certification for their systems and remain the ONLY manufacturer to achieve this standard.

See how an Ionic Reach & Wash® system is Safely Installed in a vehicle:



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